Interview: Jah Wobble

RELIGIOUS epiphanies come in all shapes and sizes, but the memory of the first time Jah Wobble heard the booming basslines of dub reggae is something that will stay with him for the rest of his life.

“The first time I heard dub was probably Burning Spear versions, early King Tubby, when I’d be at blues up Hackney,” says Wobble as we have a cup of tea in the living room of his suburban semi in Bramhall. Still every inch the East End boy about town, but one who happens to have relocated to leafy Cheshire, his bright blue eyes still gleam with the fervour of a recent convert.

“It was one of those watershed moments, it was like music from another fucking planet. Simple as that.”

Read the rest of this piece at the new home of Expletive Undeleted here.

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